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Gents index 2018
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Apr. 14th 2018, 7:30pm |
Burns Supper |
Our March Burns Supper which was cancelled due to snow and bad weather took place tonight and was very well attended by members and friends.
President Ian Skillen welcomed everyone and introduced the main artists for the evening.
Toast tae the Haggis: the haggis was carried in by Vice-president Alex Latimer and whistled in by
Past President Will.McArthur
then the toast was superbly delivered by Willie Anderson.
Immortal Memory: expertly delivered by Angus Ross.
Toast tae the Lassies: and Jim Torrance had the audience in raptures with his hilarious tales.
Tam O Shanter: Burns most famous poem was recited by Willie Anderson.
Music for the evening was provided by two members of PiggeryBrae, Fergi & Will and their guest guitarist Kenny Dobinson.
Vote of Thanks by Past President Robert Burns.
Our sincere thanks to the Directors & members who helped with the
Burns Supper in particular Hon.President Peter Phillips, Past President
John McKillop and the helpers at the meal.
Burns Supper Photos by Hon.President Peter Phillips .
Apr. 28th 2018, 1:30pm
Troon Portland v CBC
At our bi-annual visit to Troon Portland bowling club we won and retained the Lottie Montgomery Salver.
President Ian Skillen seen here receiving the winners salver from Jim & Lottie Montgomery's daughter Fiona McInall.